Spinlord Ultra Power

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Handle: Straight
Sale price$135.00 AUD


If you are looking for an extremely fast, but slightly offensive frame without a core layer from Balsa, you cannot ignore this frame. Despite the high tempo, it still has a soft and sensitive ball reception which is exceptional in this tempo class. The control value is also exceptionally high, because the Ultra Power is more elastic than comparable offensive frames without Balsa. The SpinLord Ultra Power is an absolute top class frame and for players who are looking for something extraordinary and can afford it. The outer layers are made from the best Hinoki in a thickness of 1.0 mm. The plastic Aramid is used under the top layers. Aramid is much higher quality than Carbon and provides a soft and sensitive ball acceptance. The core layer is made of 5.0 mm thick Kiri. This is how thick the core layers from Balsa are normally and this frame should weigh about 95 grams. The truck, the handle scales, and nothing else, are made of solid Balsa. This makes the low weight of this frame possible.
The size of the striking blade is approx. 155 x 152 mm. By using Aramid, the optimal impact zone has been considerably increased and ensures optimum control. This frame is suitable for the aggressive offensive player.

Pace: 105
Control: 88
Flexural strength: 90
Weight: approx. 80 grams

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